Importance of Moon for Earth

The Moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago. It was formed when proto-Earth met with a catastrophic collision with another planetoid similar in size to that of Mars and the debris thus created started to accumulate around Earth. Eventually, the accretion of the debris led to its formation.

If the Moon is destroyed in one way or the other, first of all, we will be deprived of the beauty of the night skies. No songs will be written on its beauty anymore. Poets will lose much interest in the skies. As it’s destroyed into pieces, the leftover material will become shooting towards Earth, thus bombarding cities. The oceans will become calmer without a Moon. In the absence of tides and waves caused by the Moon, circulation of important nutrients throughout oceans will stop and thus species will go extinct. Bombardment will continue as the debris starts to accumulate around the planet in the form of rings.

Now, because of the Moon and its gravitational effects, Earth orbits around Sun smoothly, but in its the absence, the wobbling will be high and the seasons on Earth will change drastically with obvious negative effects and its orbit will become highly elliptical.

Craters on Moon are an example of how it has saved Earth from space debris. Its absence means direct exposure to that debris. To lose Moon means losing the life on Earth. It’s not just beautiful, it’s necessary. No wonder Earth and Moon are companions forever, and they can’t just exist without each other.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. ASHISH ASIJA says:



    1. A young small planet formed during the initial phase of formation of our solar system.Proto itself means first or earliest.


  2. ASHISH ASIJA says:



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